How Do Balloon Molly Fish Mate?

How Do Balloon Molly Fish Mate?

Mating among balloon molly fish is a relatively simple process. The male will chase the female and nudge her with his nose until she stops moving. He will then release his sperm and the female will release her eggs. The eggs and sperm will mix together and the fry will develop inside the female. How … Read more

How Do Dalmation Molly Fish Mate?

How Do Dalmation Molly Fish Mate?

Dalmation molly fish mate by releasing eggs and sperm into the water. The eggs are fertilized by the sperm and then sink to the bottom of the tank where they hatch. The fry (baby fish) are then on their own and must fend for themselves. How Can You Tell If A Dalmatian Molly Is Male … Read more

Can Black Molly Fish Live With Goldfish?

Can Black Molly Fish Live With Goldfish?

Yes, black molly fish can live with goldfish. They are both peaceful fish that do not bother each other. Can Guppy Fish Live With Goldfish? Yes, guppy fish can live with goldfish. They are both freshwater fish and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. Guppies are also very peaceful fish, so they will … Read more