Tips on How to Keep Your Molly Fries Together

How to Keep Your Molly Fries Together

Molly fish are popular with hobbyists and breeders because they are easy to take care of and have bright colors. But keeping Molly fish can be hard because their young don’t always make it. Molly fries are fragile, so adult fish can easily eat them. This can be frustrating for people who want to breed … Read more

How Many Times Can A Molly Fish Get Pregnant?

How Many Times Can A Molly Fish Get Pregnant?

Mollies are a type of freshwater fish that are popular in home aquariums. They are easy to care for and are live-bearers, meaning they give birth to live young. One of the most common questions about mollies is how often they can get pregnant. Mollies can get pregnant every 4-6 weeks, but it is not … Read more

Can Molly Fish Give Birth Without Male?

Can Molly Fish Give Birth Without Male?

Molly fish are a type of freshwater fish that are known for their ability to give birth without a male. This is because they are capable of asexual reproduction, which means they can produce offspring without the need for a mate. There are a number of reasons why molly fish may choose to do this, … Read more

What Should I Feed My Baby Molly Fish?

What Should I Feed My Baby Molly Fish?

Molly fish are omnivorous, meaning that they will eat both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet consists of algae, small invertebrates, and detritus. In captivity, they can be fed a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, live foods, and frozen foods. It is important to provide your molly fish with a varied diet … Read more

How Do Balloon Molly Fish Mate?

How Do Balloon Molly Fish Mate?

Mating among balloon molly fish is a relatively simple process. The male will chase the female and nudge her with his nose until she stops moving. He will then release his sperm and the female will release her eggs. The eggs and sperm will mix together and the fry will develop inside the female. How … Read more

How Do Dalmation Molly Fish Mate?

How Do Dalmation Molly Fish Mate?

Dalmation molly fish mate by releasing eggs and sperm into the water. The eggs are fertilized by the sperm and then sink to the bottom of the tank where they hatch. The fry (baby fish) are then on their own and must fend for themselves. How Can You Tell If A Dalmatian Molly Is Male … Read more

How Young Can Molly Fish Get Pregnant?

How Young Can Molly Fish Get Pregnant?

Molly fish are livebearers, meaning that they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. The female molly fish can store sperm in her body for up to six months, which means that she can become pregnant even if there is no male molly fish present. The gestation period for a molly fish is … Read more